Biowatch Agroecology Scholarship

Post-graduate Studies in Agroecology

Biowatch South Africa is delighted to announce a call for applications for the Biowatch Agroecology Scholarship, aimed at studies to deepen understanding of agroecology, including its science, practices and social movements.

Students interested in pursuing their Masters in Agroecology are invited to apply for studies starting in 2023. Applicants should be citizens or permanent residents of a SADC country. Applicants should hold suitable post-graduate degrees in the fields of agricultural studies, anthropology, environmental science, development studies, sociology, botany, law, or related fields, with a minimum of 65% achieved in their Honours degree.

The Scholarship

  • The recipient must be registered full-time in the Masters programme at one of the following Institutions. The University of Cape Town (UCT), The University of Pretoria (UP) or The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN).
  • The recipient will be required to join the SARChI Bio-economy research team in the Department of Environmental and Geographical Science in the case of UCT, Development Studies at UKZN, and the Department of Plant & Soil Science / Geography, Geoinformatics, Public Law or Anthropology at UP.
  • The recipient will be required to complete a one week internship at Biowatch.

Financial Support Provided

Funding is for 1 year, but may be renewed for a second year subject to good progress and demonstrated financial need. The amount is R50 000 per annum for a Masters Programme.

Recipient Eligibility

  • The recipient must be in the first year of their Masters study.
  • The recipient may not hold full-time employment concurrently.
  • Citizen or permanent resident of a SADC country
  • Preference will be given to black applicants who can demonstrate financial need.

Application Procedure

Please send your CV, a 500-word letter of motivation, a concept note describing your research topic and the names and contact details of two referees to Fahdelah Hartley at by 30 April 2023. Please also note whether you will be registering at UCT, UKZN or UP.

Applicants will need to apply separately for Masters study to either the University of Cape Town, the University of KwaZulu-Natal or to the University of Pretoria. The scholarship is subject to acceptance of the candidate for Masters study at one of these institutions.

For further information please see; and