Despite capacity-building and development activities carried out over the years to support the implementation of access and benefit sharing (ABS), there is still very little knowledge about how genetic resources and traditional knowledge are used by different industry sectors. This includes information about different business models, market trends, the research and development process, and demand for access to genetic resources and traditional knowledge. Practical and accessible materials are needed to guide policy-makers, and users and providers of genetic resources and traditional knowledge to help them to negotiate fair and equitable ABS partnership agreements.

To address this gap, authors Sarah Laird and Rachel Wynberg, with support from the ABS Capacity Development Initiative, have produced a set of briefs on the different sectors involved in ABS: pharmaceuticals, agriculture, cosmetics, industrial biotechnology, foods and beverages, and botanicals. Employing a colourful, infographic style, the briefs are organised around central, key points on trends and practices in markets, research and development, and ABS. This format makes it possible to present a large amount of often complex information in compact, digestible 10-page booklets. The briefs are intended to provide governments, companies, researchers, communities, and others with background information to assist with the development of ABS measures to implement the Nagoya Protocol. They build on an earlier set of policy briefs and fact sheets developed by the authors in collaboration with the CBD Secretariat, providing detailed information by sector and focused on opportunities associated with the Nagoya Protocol.

In 2017, a Synthesis Brief based on these sectoral briefs was published, click on the image below to download it.